Tag Archives: Michael

Why I post on Facebook

I am writing this in an attempt to explain why I post the things I post on Facebook although I know I shouldn’t have to explain my own Facebook page to anybody. Most of the people on my  sites will already know this information but this will come as a surprise to some.

On December 21st 2012 it was decreed that it would be the end of the world and we would all perish by a comet etc and it was all the Mayans fault. Actually what the Mayans prophesied was that the human race would begin a Golden Age where man would learn to love again and the earth would transform into a higher dimension where there were no wars and we would all live as one. They also predicted great floods and things coming from the skies. Yes we have seen the flooding across the world and it will get worse when the Ice caps melt and the incidences of comets, asteroids and UFO sightings has increased off the scale (see youtube) so well done to the Mayans. The Golden Age is a bit harder to do and to achieve it the consciousness of the planet needs to be raised from the material third dimension to the 5th dimension where the vibration is such that unconditional love will be the norm. Unconditional love simply means love without judgement.

The planet has already moved and the people are slowly starting to move with it whether you realise it or not. Unfortunately for those who want to cling onto the third dimensional values ie materialism, greed, power, corruption, then the third dimension will not be supported and these people will suffer as a result. You only have to look at the collapse of the world banking system and the refusal of the general public to back any more wars to realise this energy is changing. Also the number of demonstrations around the world against corruption, Brasil being the latest one, most of which do not make the mainstream media. But the energy change has to be gradual as it is the most significant change in the evolution of man the world has ever seen.

On December 21st 2012 the planets aligned in a formation known as the Finger of God and the Universe momentarily stopped and reset itself. The Mayans were brilliant astrologers and knew the planetary cycles and that is why they were so accurate at predicting these events. We laugh at the old tribes but the reality is they were in touch with the earth, Universe and spiritual side to a degree we can only dream of. The last four times this event has happened the human race has been wiped out so the end of the world theories were not far from the truth but this time man has been spared that and allowed to be present for the energy change for the first time ever. It doesn’t happen over night but the pace of this change started as a ripple a few years ago and is gathering such momentum that major changes are on the way sooner rather than later.

When you look back over the last few years you will see changes in your personal lives which have been dramatic for good and bad reasons. Some of you will have had relationship breakups or lost your jobs suddenly or there have been sudden bereavements. Others will have had moments of inspiration which has led you to change career or move countries or just demand a more relaxed way of living away from the stupidity that is the rat race. New businesses have started all over the world, people have suddenly become more creative and started painting or learning a musical instrument after years of regret. The energy has changed everything and the outlook is bright for those who want to let go and flow with the energy rather than try to hang on to old fashioned routines and systems which no longer benefit and are, in fact, harmful to them.

We are being asked to use our intuition when we need answers to questions and big decisions. Intuition is in us all and it is the inner knowing without knowing how we know. Too long we have mistrusted this gut feeling and gone against it in favour of keeping quiet and worrying what others would think of us. Intuition is the way forward as we feel our way to a new loving and caring society, don’t question it. If it feels wrong, it is wrong. If it feels right, then why wouldn’t it be.

Now here is the scary bit for some of you. There are lots of people in the world who say spiritual things that sound good and it gives them a warm feeling when they say it. But when pushed to use their spirituality do not use it for the higher good and judge others for what they do. That is not the spiritual way. In other words they talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.


I use my intuition to guide me through life’s problems because I know it is my connection back to source and where the truth is. If I put something on Facebook it is because it is how I live it, not just because it sounds good. If I put something on Facebook that is asking a controversial question it is because my intuition is buzzing away that something is wrong and questions need to be asked, I am not a Conspiracy theorist or an activist but I want the truth to come out and if it makes people aware then we stand a chance of raising consciousness to a level where the masses will demand the right people to ask the right questions. I don’t demand anything from the reader but if it raises awareness and gives others the same gut feeling then a ripple can begin. It is as simple as that. If you choose to ignore it that is fine, you all have freewill. I see things on Facebook where it looks scandalous but it doesn’t alarm me in the same way so I don’t post it, that is my choice.

We are in a time where the spiritual veil is lifting and we are being encouraged to question our lives on earth and how we should live by our own truths ie our own intuitive feelings. The energy of the future is one of feeling rather than seeing. Eyes can be deceived but feelings cannot. You know in your own hearts when it feels good and when it doesn’t. This should be your guide and not what you think you should believe because you are told to. Whenever you are told something,and this includes the things I say, look into your heart and trust your own truth, not somebody elses. How do you think the world has ended up in the mess it is in? We have believed those in power whether through Governments, Religions, Media, instead of trusting our own truths. When you do you will realise the terrible things you have believed to be true when, in fact, they were just a way of retaining power.

It is written in the Bible that this period in our existence will be when Christ returns and judges man for his time on earth. The judgement we are seeing is in the way the truth has been uncovered over the last few years and continues to be uncovered. The return of Christ is in every living being and has been re-energised for you all to access and hopefully you will realise you have the power to change your lives and live the life you came here to live, not the one you allow yourselves to live. There are no limits to your potential, only those you place on yourselves, stop looking for a man in a kaftan and sandals.

I see the bigger picture and what I see is a world where religions state a set of rules that exclude people from their faith, religious leaders who claim other religions are not as compassionate as theirs but their teachings are far from the spiritual messages given by their idols but use their writings as a way of control, Governments leaders who talk about freedom and democracy but use war as a weapon of peace, People raping the earth of it’s natural resources when energy is freely available all around, A chemical industry that pumps chemicals into our foods which we eat and make us sick, then chemical companies who give us chemicals to cure them with massive side effects and eventual reliance on them and we wonder why illnesses are on the up and not being cured. I see poisons being put into water, foods (monsanto), air poisoning. Animals being treated badly and killed to supply a marketing managers idea of what we want to eat and most of the food being thrown away while people starve in other countries across the world. I see a world where fear leads to racism, homophobia, stigma, when every person in this world has just as much right to be here as anybody else.

This will change because as the energy changes so will your consciousness to a level only imaginable before. Do not look for leaders in this new world, look to yourselves and be the change you want to see.

So what about me?

I love everybody unconditionally

I love ALL my family and friends and love their company

I have a wicked sense of humour

I still play football (try)

I am in a rock band and love all music especially heavy rock

I love latin and ballroom dancing

I love beer

I will not compromise my truth for anybody and neither should you.

Where do I get my spiritual energy from? I work with the energy of Archangel Michael, known as he who is like God. I am no more special than anybody else but most of what you have read above is from Michael, I have just typed the words. Some of you already know this and have seen the great power that this Archangel possesses to spread the light and overcome the dark. As a person I am the most relaxed friendliest person you could meet but when a challenge is made my spiritual power is limitless and Michael is always fierce in defending the truth as some people have unfortunately found out. This does not mean I do not love the people involved, I genuinely do and wish no harm to anybody, remember love is unconditional (without judgement).

After reading this you are welcome to un friend me if it makes you feel uncomfortable, I still love you and do not suffer from ego any more.

If you want to know more or have friends who could benefit from this kind of stuff then contact me I rarely turn down friend requests but if I feel that somebody is working from a low energy and trying to disrupt things then I will block them.


I asked for a message for the people at this time and this is what I channeled

Stand firm, the Ascension is upon us. Time will tell a great story of love and understanding in a world of hate and despair. This is the gift you will give to the world in your quest to free the Earth of it’s shackles in what has been troubled times. Never doubt the work you are doing or have done to get to this point. If it wasn’t for the likes of you there would be no progress and the world would still be stuck in a void of confusion and despair. 

The next steps will be even harder for some of you as we ask you to relinquish your beliefs in worldly systems and ethics and devise your own methods of living your lives. Do not be led by the voice of human opinion, follow your own beliefs. They are the ones which will serve you well. Do not think your beliefs are outdated and useless but there is a need for greater understanding of what they are teaching you. If it does not feel right then it is not right. Only when it feels right will it be the right one for you. 

Your leaders are now no longer the great masters they once were. There is a change and new leaders will come forth and bring with them truth as it has never been seen before. Truth that can only come from intuition and not based on doctrination. You will know these leaders for they will not want glory or power they will just want what is best for the world and it’s inhabitants. 

Treat them well. They are your friends. In any such crisis there will always be desperation but it will soon disappear as the New World unfolds. 

Trust your heart, follow your intuition. 

Never be afraid to walk alone as I will be by your side


We should think of the people around the world whose lives are in upheaval at the moment for they are laying the stones for the New World


Yesterday I wrote about a channelled message from Michael that he insisted I should blog for people to read (Michael and the paper shredder). This morning I was looking at Doreen Virtue’s Daily Guidance from your Angels book, 365 numbered messages to soothe, heal and open your heart! Occasionally I choose a number and read it and it usually makes a lot of sense. The problem with these books is that it is difficult to know what to choose so this is what I did. I used the date and added 24+7+13 and got 44. So I looked up passage number 44 and this is what I got.


You couldn’t make it up, could you!!

Always ask for Michael‘s help when you need it and don’t forget to look for direction signs that prove you are on the right wavelength.


It’s a real roller coaster this move to a higher vibration and sometimes it seems as if I’ve got the idea then off we go down a big drop again! We have had a heatwave in the UK and the heat has really slowed things down. Last night we had a full moon and a heavy thunder storm  at 6am so the air was changing rapidly. Before I went to bed I was feeling a bit emotional but it was difficult to know whether it was the weather , the full moon, or another case of ascension!

I went to work and felt really fed up. I do a teaching job and love the idea of empowering people by encouraging them to think for themselves but this week has given me pupils who  would rather shy away from changing their fixed ideas which really frustrated me as a positive thinking, new age, intuitive, empowered individual !

So when I got home I switched on my laptop feeling a little low and asked if there were any words of wisdom the Higher Authorities would like me to convey. I typed in the title and sat quietly until a clear stream of thoughts came in and I started to type. What I hadn’t realised was that my typing was not being written on the page! DOH! I was feeling a bit stupid so I got the cursor to the correct place and began again and this is what I channelled.


Imagine this, a piece of paper with no writing on it yet having the power to manipulate the thoughts and attentions of thousands of people. Such is the power of the thoughts you just had. But were they recorded? No. Does that mean the moment is lost and those thoughts are lost forever. Not in our world. We do not rely on the written word to express our feelings, but in your world you do.  Never has there been such a time when the need to replace those words with feelings has been greater. Intuition is the way forward and for those with it a wonderful new life. I am not saying those without will be ignored because they do have it but it is a source as yet untapped or not developed to a point where it may be seen as usable.

 If the truth be known you have all been ignoring your intuition for centuries and followed the written word of religious leaders and politicians, Kings and Queens. Where has it got you? “To where we are now” you are probably saying but in actual fact it has got you to where you were before the Cosmic moment. Since then your intuition has been developing and so has the intuitive behaviour of the world and it’s population. Look at China. It has had the most devastating earth quake and who would not argue that this was a very spontaneous event. Mother Earth has feelings too and knows how to show them in order to raise her vibration. There is no anger in the actions of Mother Earth but there has to be balance and she is prepared to act in the way which is best for her welfare. Even after the events of 2012 there is some clearing to be done and various parts of the world are feeling that cleansing in the most powerful ways. We send our love and support to those people but, be aware, their choices were made a long time ago and their spiritual welfare is being taken care of. 

 I wonder sometimes if the people of the earth are aware of the help and support which is given from the Universe to help you all on your  journeys. Whether your journey is happy or sad, hard or easy, there is always help at hand to assist when you need it. I am one of the people you can call on when you need me. My job is not just to do heavenly things and float around the Universe, I am an actual energy there for when I am needed. Please pass on this information to the world so they can hear my name. My name is Michael and I am the protector, I will not let harm come to you but I cannot help if you do not let me. It is often in times of crisis that you call my name, but I work with you everyday and am never far away. 

 The world is yours to own if you own it in a loving way. It is not yours to keep but you must own it and take care of it as you care for any third dimensional object. When your time is finished on earth you must hand it back so others can appreciate it’s beauty. If you are lucky enough to return to earth at a later stage you would like to think it has been left in a satisfactory condition for you to enjoy again. 

 As for the feelings you are feeling then yes, many people are going through the same clearing process. It is inevitable that people will be upset, there is much to release. The chains are being released from the third dimension and the rise of the earth into the fifth dimension is about to happen in a way that will be spectacular. It is long overdue.

 My thoughts and blessings are with you


My thoughts, like many others, go out to the people of China, India, and all the other places who are going through some kind of cleansing but this still left me a little tired. I knew I should post it but did not feel like it at the moment so I sat down on a chair which has the paper shredder behind it.

As I sat down the shredder switched on and started shredding thin air! I asked whoever had switched it on to make it stop and it stopped! I asked, in the interests of experiment control, for it to be switched on again and it duly did! I asked for it to be switched off again and it did! Bizarre! Then it switched on again and this time would not stop. I got to the point where I said “You are going to wait for me to reach out to switch it off then switch it off, aren’t you?” So I leant round to switch it off and it switched off! It made me laugh and really brightened my spirits but, above all, it gave me the lift I needed to cheer up and post this blog, so don’t thank me, thank Michael, he’s a top guy!!


As I have explained in a blog about ascension flu, I went through a DNA structuring process which was flu like and I was lethargic for about 2 weeks. Many strange things happened during the Super Moon that preceded it and one of the most bizarre concerned my wife’s work trousers. Weeks before she had taken them off and a button pinged off and was lost in the bedroom. As there were two buttons on the trousers she carried on wearing them every day with just one button. Four days after the Super Moon she got up and put them on and the button had been sewn back on! Not only had she not done it but she had never been able to even find the button! Of course she doubted her own sanity and questioned whether she had put it back on forgetfully (a human disorder) but when she inspected it she said “It’s been put on wrong!” What she meant was that it had been done perfectly but not the way she would have sewn it. None of the rest of the family would have done it because we are all useless and wouldn’t have thought about it anyway!

I had told one of my spiritual friends about the way I channel when I type in a question to my laptop and she told me of a couple she knew who would leave their laptop on at night and find pages of things that had been typed into it while they slept. When I found the energy to start channeling I had to find out more, so I typed a question into my laptop and, sure enough, the answers started coming immediately


The answer to your question is not can we but will we and the answer is no. It would be a bit like getting a letter to say hello when we only live next door. If we are to be believed in your world there has to be a mediator who understands the essence of what we are trying to say. Sewing buttons on is easy, it is just a manifestation of intent, symbolic, no words needed but words can be dangerously misinterpreted without someone to explain them.

 Your energies have been particularly low this week while the process of re-building has been going on. This is an ongoing process but some will go through it pain free and some will struggle. The struggle you have had is because you are one of the first to go through it. Many have done it before but remember this is the first time a human race has had to raise it’s vibration while still on the earth. Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Were the other races spared the pain of this process by being removed and returned to spirit for their own good, or was it right that the human race should start again from pure seeds?

 We promised you a better life when we started this process but we also said it would cost you some pain and that is what you are facing now. It will disappear but not before the repair work to your DNA is complete. Right now it seems you are in a no mans land waiting to walk one way or the other but not sure which way is best. Stay still. Your direction will become clear as will thousands of other light workers across the globe. The world is awakening and many are seeing this opportunity to raise their consciousness to a higher level and the more there are the more will follow. You are one of them and you must lead the people around you to do the same. But you will only lead them by shining your light, do not force them against their will. When their time is right they will follow and find their own path illuminated by their own inner light. Such fun! Remember to laugh! Laughter is what you are good at yet recent events have drained you of your energy making you a dull boy. Remember who you are, it is no good trying to explain how wonderful the new life is if you make it sound miserable! (I LAUGHED)That’s better.

 Now if I was to say the new life you lead will be full of tour buses and rock gigs you may not be far wrong! I know you wanted to be a rock star when you were young and it is this inner desire that will drive you on in your new body. Your enthusiasm will defy your years as you shine like a beacon to crowds of amazed onlookers. They are not following you, of course, they are following their own inner guidance to know that the messages you give are the ones they need to hear. And when they feel they have heard enough they will move on and spread the message to their followers and so on. It’s how it used to be in the old days, I’m talking about Jesus and the Bible. The difference this time is that the message will be unadulterated and will teach people about using their own intuition and heart senses to decide for themselves which spiritual path is correct for them and when they are being hoodwinked by mass forces. It will all take time but the fun is in the doing not the completing. You will meet many people , some who are opposed to what you say and some who have been waiting for somebody brave enough to say it. Be brave, we are right behind you, we will not let you fail, trust and you will see.

The future is bright, I can see it glowing now. You cannot because you are stuck on earth but come up here sometime in meditation and I’ll show you. You only have to ask

 My name is MichaelYour true friend

I am not sure about the rock n roll lifestyle at my age, but then again, why not in the new world of manifestation and experiencing the fullness of life! And I certainly do not claim to say anything that hasn’t been said before or isn’t being said now by far more distinguished people than me. I only type what I hear, it is up to your intuition to know if it feels good!

I’ll see you when I tour!!!!!!!!!!